Quality begins in the orchard and being growers ourselves, our approach has always been hands on. Integrating years of experience, good agricultural practices, pest control management and cutting edge technology has allowed us to produce the finest quality walnuts.


Our growers have the opportunity to partner with one of our three experienced pest control advisors. In all, they have a combined experience of over 75 years and monitor over 8,000 acres of walnuts in the Central Valley. Our company completely funds this service to maximize quality and grower profitability.

Meet our PCA's

Doug Reese

Doug Reese graduated from University of California, Davis and began his career as a field agronomist. He started at Poindexter’s in the spring of 1994 and helped launch our field service program. Doug Reese is in his 25th year as a private consultant focusing on tree nuts, grapes and citrus.

Daniel Chase

Dan Chase graduated from California State University, Fresno in 1978 with a degree in Plant Science. Dan Chase has been a consultant for 39 years, specializing in walnuts and in 2007 he joined the Poindexter team. Dan also farms 180 acres of walnuts, mandarins and cherries with his two sons.

Matt Chase

Matt Chase graduated from California State University, Fresno in 2002 with a degree in Plant Science-Agronomy.Matt Chase has been a consultant for 4 years and in 2012 joined the Poindexter team. Matt also farms walnuts, mandarins and cherries with his dad and brother.


The Early Harvest Program is used to advance the harvest date in order to preserve the quality of the walnuts. Poindexter Nut Company pays for the Etherol and the growers pay for the application. Higher quality walnuts result in increased value and marketability of the product and in return, more money for the growers.


We provide the highest level of hulling and drying services. During the walnut harvest, time is of the essence and we have a dedicated team to ensure your crop is handled in a timely and efficient manner.